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Clojure/Script Monitoring Survey


#monitoring #observability #telemetry

Hi folks! 👋 I’m looking for some assistance.

I’m considering building a paid service for businesses using Clojure/Script to help easily observe/monitor their production applications (things like tracing, log aggregation, performance measurement, anomaly detection, etc.).

This is a problem I’ve had to tackle myself repeatedly over many years, and I’ve been repeatedly dissatisfied with the services currently available.

My next step is to gather some early info from potential users, to help understand if what I have in mind might be viable.

So here’s my request:

If you or your company have a Clojure/Script application in production, please consider helping me out by taking a few minutes to answer this short survey short survey?

It’s 8 questions and takes about 5 minutes.

If it turns out there’s interest, I’ll share more info later re: the specific ideas I have in mind.

I really appreciate your help, thank you so much!! 🙏


- Peter Taoussanis